6th Grade Math

This year we will be studying 6th grade Math, preparing for next year's Pre-Algebra.  This class will include many activities, including:  discussions, online learning, quizzes and/or tests, worksheets, and videos.  The beginning of the year will consist of refreshers of skills that you have already learned.  As with all of our classes, this class will go right into activity when we start the school year on August 28.  Our main textbook will be provided at:  http://www.scuc.txed.net/webpages/jteske/index.cfm?subpage=44477 (Go Math), though there will be plenty of other supplementary materials.  We will also be using software called Easy Peasy Math, where a lot of our videos will come from.

Math is a tricky subject, so you may go through some skills more quickly than others.  The schedule listed below is inter-changeable, so that extra days can be taken for those "harder" skills as needed.  Listed in the order in which they will be studied, here are the following topics which you will learn:


1.  Whole Numbers:  August 28

2.  Multiplication:  September 1

3.  Division:  September 6

4.  Exponents and Square Roots:  September 13

5.  Number Theory:  September 18

6.  Decimals:  September 27

7.  Add & Subtract Decimals:  October 2

8.  Multiply & Divide Decimals:  October 6

9.  Negative Numbers Inroduction:  October 11

10.  Fractions and Mixed Numbers:  October 18

11.  Add & Subtract Fractions:  October 27

12.  Multiply Fractions:  November 2

13.  Divide Fractions:  November 7

14.  Integers:  November 13

15.  Operations with Integers:  November 16

16.  Mixed Operations:  November 30

17.  Rational Numbers:  December 6

18.  Problem Solving and Estimation:  December 13

19.  Word Problems:  December 18

20.  Ratios and Rates:  January 3 

21.  Percents:  January 15

22.  Units of Measurement:  January 18

23.  Money:  January 24

24.  Consumer Math:  January 29

25.  Time:  February 2

26.  Coordinate Plane:  February 8

27.  Expressions and Properties:  February 14

28.  One-Variable Equations:  February 19

29.  One-Variable Inequalities:  February 23

30.  Two-Variable Equations:  February 28

31.  Two Dimensional Figures:  March 13

32.  Transformations, Congruence, and Symmetry:  March 16

33.  Three Dimensional Figures:  March 22

34.  Geometric Measurement:  March 28

35.  Data and Graphs:  April 3

36.  Statistics:  April 13

37.  Probability:  April 19